Partners and Donors

The Friends of Theodore Roethke Foundation (FOTR) could not carry out its mission without the generous support from granting agencies, local partner organizations, and individual donors. FOTR has received Federal Block grants and a National Endowment for the Arts Chairman’s Grant. We have also received grants from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, Michigan Humanities, Saginaw Community Foundation, ArtsReach, ArtsMidwest, Dow Chemical, and Hemlock SemiConductor.
FOTR is also supported by several foundations, including the Sarah Jury Foundation, the Huntington Foundation, and the Hank Meijer Foundation. As of 2022, FOTR also has an endowment from the Inez Morrison Estate that provides annual funding for operational support.
Recent FOTR partners include Saginaw Valley State University, the Saginaw Art Museum, Arthur Hill High School, the River Junction Poets, Ezekiel Project, Good Neighbors Mission, Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority, and the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center.